Questions? Email is best since we’re usually in the fields.
Contact us at
Felicia’s Farm has 3 locations. All visits MUST be scheduled.
Behind the Cutler Family private home at 3761 E River Rd , we have our chickens and some fields (please do not disturb residence or block garage.) Parking is past the horses and park around the arena. Please park so a tractor can get by your vehicle
4141 East River Road, growing fields where the bulk of Felicia’s Farm produce is grown. Parking is an immediate right after entry.
17 E. Roger Rd; we are currently creating an educational garden with the partnership of Hem and Her Bridal, and a Grant from the City of Tucson (ARPA). IF you build, weld, dig, design…join the team. email
Mailing Address: Felicia’s Farm 5995 E Grant Rd Ste 200 Tucson, AZ 85712
Felicia’s Farm is a 501(c)(3), Qualified Arizona Charity #20710